Hip & Hamstring Opening Yoga Sequence.

Love Life. Live Yoga

Love Life. Live Yoga

Love Life. Live Yoga

By another request- Hip & Hamstring Opening Yoga Sequence. ;-)

I often come to this sequence especially before bed time, practice this sequence to get the deep opening for the muscles around the hips, lower back and legs while I am resting down on my back.

Follow the step from 1-9 on one leg, try to rest each pose for 3-5 breaths. Repeat the sequence on your second leg. To make it even, some days I start on my left leg and other days I start with my right leg.

Remember, this is the progress from step 1 to 9, slightly bend you knees to start and you can skip the deep poses whenever you want to. I like to close my eyes and use Ujjayi breathing that helps calm my mind and body especially in the deep poses.


Happy Practicing!


