Tag Archive for: Yoga Life

5 Ways On How Yoga Improves Life

If you are here, you might have attended one or more of our yoga classes in Bundaberg, or maybe you’re on the search for ways on how yoga improves life. Perhaps you have just got out of a long-term relationship or work is usurping all your energy. Whatever it might be, I will tell you this: yoga will transform your life, and change it for the better.

How so, you ask? Here are some ways taking our yoga classes in Bundaberg can truly improve your life.

1. Taking Yoga Classes in Bundaberg will Help you Lose Weight and Keep it Off

If you have been packing weight in all the wrong places, your health can deteriorate and your self-esteem will take a hit. Are you finding it hard to stick to your weight loss program or a healthy diet? If yes, taking yoga can do the trick.

Yoga classes in Bundaberg allow you to connect with your inner self and be in harmony with your emotions. Thanks to yoga, you will be able to kick your food cravings, stick to your exercising, and eventually shed a few pounds. It is incredible how much easier it is to stay focused and not lose track of your life’s purpose when you embrace yoga.

2. Yoga Helps Relief Pains and Aches

Perhaps you’ve taken a brunt of a beating from persistent back pains, migraines or even headaches. You see, pain can greatly affect the quality of your life. And today’s over-the-counter and prescription pain medication can do more harm than good. If you’re sailing in this boat, taking yoga classes at our Bundaberg yoga studio can help you make the shift to a healthier, happier you.

3. Yoga Improves Life by Way of Helping You Stay Stress-Free

Before taking yoga classes, it’ll probably be hard for you to admit that you are stressed out or depressed. The truth is stress from life’s ups and downs can take a toll on your work performance, happiness, and overall well-being. Thankfully, yoga can help calm your mind, reduce stress hormones, and keep anxiety at bay.

4. Yoga can do Wonders for your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Our beloved yoga classes in Bundaberg allow you to work on your 3rd chakra. This is the core area that can help you gain lots of willpower, confidence, and resolve. If you have not had the guts to switch careers or face life challenges, yoga will help give you enough confidence to finally do so. This way, you can live a happier and a healthier life and be more true to yourself.

5. Yoga Improves Life by Helping you Meet New People and Make Friends

The primary reason most yogis find yoga so alluring is that it gives you an opportunity to connect with an entirely new class of friends. Although you will still be in touch with most of your old friends, you will find fellow yogis to make interesting new friendships with. Most of the people you’ll meet in our top-rated yoga classes in Bundaberg are charming, friendly, understanding and down to earth.

When combined, all these benefits of yoga can truly change your life — for the better!

Get started today with our 30-Day Intro Offer


Watch how yoga has helped these Bundaberg locals improve their lives


Video: How practicing arm balance changed my life

The first time I walked into a yoga class with a couple of friends in Malaysia, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and simply followed the group. I used to be very active back to school, but after I started working as a fashion designer with long hours everyday in front of the computer or the sewing machine, I didn’t do much to look after my body for over 5 years. I couldn’t even touch my toes during forward fold and had never done a proper handstand before.

So I went to my first yoga class thinking I was there for some relaxation and stretching. It turned out I was sweating in ways I never knew possible from just yoga postures. The first arm balance pose the teacher showed us was Bakasana. It looked so easy but I failed over and over again. How could she balance just on her palms, and with her knees on her triceps? Next, when she got us to do handstand. I thought that won’t be hard since I had done many cartwheels before. So, surely I could do a simple handstand! But what do handstands have to do with yoga? So I tried and kept kicking my legs up against the wall repeatedly. I couldn’t believe it when I realised that I wasn’t even able to stay in place for more than two seconds. I was exhausted. Physically and mentally. How could the lady next to me do it all so peacefully and with her eyes closed for over a minute? My arms were shaking while I was trying to catch my breath again. My face was red as a tomato.

After an hour-long yoga session the teacher called for Savasana. I asked myself what the hell that meant? So I just did what everyone else did, lay down and rested on my mat.

Unexpectedly, I felt relaxed. I felt like I didn’t just do a workout with my body, but my mind as well. I walked out of the room with a brand new body, all the clutter in my mind had disappeared! After just one class I felt like I had pressed the reset button and felt totally peaceful and calm.

Focusing on arm balance in my yoga practice has changed my perspective of life. It is so important in life to find balance, to let go, refocus, to increase your confidence and to start seeing all the possibilities that are waiting for you. But the most important thing is to have fun in life. Fun makes us happy and keeps us young. And when you’re having fun, those good vibes and positive energy will spill over into the lives of the people around us, which in turn will increase happiness and well-being for all of us. Don’t take life to seriously. Have fun and yoga on!

“Live your life and risk it all. Take some chances, take the fall. Take your time, no need to hurry. Have some fun and never worry. Stay young!”




How yoga has changed my life

One of the most important ways yoga has changed my life is my confidence has increased.
We work a lot on the navel center, the core area or third chakra, which builds our will power, confidence, and resolve.
Since I’ve been practicing yoga I’ve done a lot of things I’d never considered doing before, like getting up in front of a room full of people and teaching yoga in English which it is not my native language. I truly enjoy doing it because I’m surrounded by all the awesome people.
What I like about yoga is that there is no end to it, I constantly learn different things in each practice. I’m also finding the little peace for myself no matter what is going on outside of the four corners of my mat just feel the simple wonder of my body as I move.
I would like to share yoga with others and help them by teaching yoga. They can still have a workout and still have the mental benefits of yoga. I will keep on learning and growing as a teacher as well as a practitioner.
