Entries by Sam

Eat, Pray, Love & my dream of going to Bali

Since watching this beautiful movie, I have been wanting to follow Julia Roberts’ foot steps and visit Bali. In March I’m finally making this dream reality with our upcoming yoga retreat. Come and join me at the Love Live Live Yoga Retreat 2017 in Ubud, Bali, where for a total of 8 days and 7 […]


“Learning to apply the mind to the gaze helps release stress, by allowing you to focus on things that are helpful and healthy,” says Annie Carpenter from SmartFlow Yoga. A drishti (view or gaze) is a specific focal point that is employed during meditation or while holding a yoga posture. The ancient yogis discovered that […]


This Sanskrit phrase can be understood as “urdhva,” meaning raised, and “hasta,” meaning hand. This “raised hand” pose is a simple, standing yoga asana with both of the hands raised. I often just say Urdhva Hasta in the class. ;-) When Urdhva Hastasana, a simple and easy yoga pose, is included in your daily yoga […]