Why do we need to pause?

It’s the pause that brings realignment. It’s the pause that brings reflection. It’s the pause that brings refocus. Life is like a wheel, always spinning. There’s always work coming in and piling up, making enough and more money, people and relationships to take care of, goals and dreams to catch, and never endless deadlines to be met. […]

Yoga Pose Explained: Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)

If you’ve ever taken a class with me, you know I love lizard pose (Utthan Pristhasana). I almost always practice it in my own practice. It makes my hips feel so good as lizard pose is an intense hip opener. Try to practice steady and full breathing and being present in the body, allowing the pose […]


Yoga poses helps to keep knees healthy and strong. Balancing the hips; strengthening and stretching the muscles in the legs and the feet; and improving core strength all have a positive effect on the health of the knees and to ease the pressure on the knees. Injuries and knee problems are often due to mechanical issues […]


5 reasons we should do yoga planks every day. 1) Get major core definition. 2) Reduce the risk of injury. 3) Workout anywhere. 4) Improve posture. 5) Improve balance. How to do a perfect yoga plank pose? From downward facing dog, bring your hips forward until your wrists direct under your shoulders and your toes […]

Carmen Lee-Schneider - Love Life. Live Yoga. Bundaberg

BLOG: Why I teach Yoga?

Hello I’m Carmen, I’m a yoga teacher from Australia. I started doing Yoga to connect to myself and switch off my mind, to listen to my body again. My first yoga lesson, nearly the whole class I didn’t know what to do actually. But I was really excited, because I know this is what I […]

BLOG: 9 Common Yoga Injuries and How to Avoid Them

When you want to deepen your yoga practice, it is very important to take care of your own body and try to avoid common yoga injuries happen. According to yoga experts, injuries can happen any time, in any sport, or even walking down the sidewalk. Most yoga injuries develop gradually over years of consistent over-stretching and […]

BLOG: Interested in arm balances and inversions? Where to start?

Arm balances and inversions are a fun part of yoga practice that will help to build strength, improve balance and increase mental focus. You can always choose to skip the poses if you are not interested, but if you are interested and you’ve never done an arm balance or being upside down? You are never […]

BLOG: 7 Things That Will Happen In Your First Class.

1. You will have no idea what the instructor is talking about. The instructor will use words you are unfamiliar with like “vinyasa” and “bhujangasana.” Most of the instructors will try to explain things as much as they could to help you keep up, you can look to the other students and just copy what […]